Hot Damn!


Peppers. Oh, how they excite! Whether sweet or spicy, they can either make or break a dish. Capsicum, as they are commonly known, are one of the oldest vegetables/spices in the world with many health benefits.

Chiles and cayenne peppers are comprised of capsaicin which contains medicinal properties for cleansing the blood and stimulating circulation. Capsaicin is also known to aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and halt the spread of prostate cancer. 

Sweet peppers are great in salads while spicy peppers are good to liven up a dish. I always have cayenne pepper on hand and use it in pretty much every meal I make. One of the best benefits of peppers is that they stimulate gastric juices which help aid in digestion. This is critical as digestion is one of the foundations of health. When things aren't running smoothly, it inevitably leads to a myriad of health issues. So eat your peppers!

Vitamin and Mineral Content  All peppers are high in bioflavonoids, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, Vitamins C, A, B6, B2, niacin and folate.

Tips  When handling spicy peppers protect skin with a think layer of solid fat or wear gloves if as they can burn your hands and eyes. An excellent solid fat to use is coconut oil, but be careful your not too oily or your hands will slide around on a knife. I'm always extra cautious as I take my contacts out at the end of the day and have regretted touching my eyes many times after chopping peppers. 

Beware  Peppers are on the 'dirty dozen' list as they are typically grown in conditions with a high concentration of insecticides. These are highly toxic to the nervous system so make sure to buy organic peppers when you can.  Peppers are also in the nightshade family which means they can be difficult for some people to digest, especially the skin.