Bone Marrow
Bone Marrow is a favorite at high-end restaurants around the world. Usually served as a luxe starter dish with a side of toasted bread points. It can also be paired alongside a beautiful cut of beef transforming an ordinary meal into an elegant dish.
All bones do indeed have marrow in the center but the creme-de-la-creme is found in the larger femur bones as they are much thicker and can be cut horizontally making for an easy extraction with a small spoon or knife.
Most people never think of making bone marrow at home since bones aren't usually in plain sight at stores so not top-of-mind. If you do manage to get your hands on some grass-fed femur bones you should absolutely swoop them up and keep in the freezer for an elegant and nutrient dense meal.
45 day dry aged, 100% grass-fed, organic, pasture-raised bone marrow from Hacienda Sur in Costa Rica. This is the best beef I've ever had.
Health Benefits Bone marrow is considered an organ meat and essential part of the immune system which contains all kinds of cells necessary for immune function and bone growth. Some benefits include building immunity, repairing wounds, helping with digestion and fighting cancer. Almost every culture claims some form of bone-based concoction. If you search the web you'll find recipes from Ireland, the Philippines, Korea, and France. Mongolian and Native American cultures extracted the marrow raw but that is really hard to do and I prefer mine hot and oozing with buttery flavor. In gourmet cooking, marrow is a garnish for beef tenderloin and beef stews. There's no end to what can be done with nutritious marrow. Check out my "Bone Broth Will Resurrect the Dead" blog post for more information on the benefits of bones.
Bone marrow entering the oven
6 beef marrow bones, cut horizontally 6 inches long
6 sprigs of rosemary
sea salt
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Put bones on a baking pan, cut side up and season with a generous amount of salt and black pepper. Cook about 10 minutes and then place rosemary sprigs on top of each bone. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the marrow is soft and begins to separate from the bone. Make sure you don't overcook it or the marrow may flow out.
Serve with a side of toast tips. This is a wonderful compliment to a salad as the healthy fats will help fill you up and provide you enough fuel for hours to come.
Look at that deliciousness just ready to be spread over some toast
Ready to serve