Collard Green Roll
The perfect meal for leftovers
So, you’ve done a great job meal planning and food prepping for the week but you have scanty leftovers that you can’t quite make a full meal out of… What do you do? Get creative! Try making this collard green roll. It’s a quick and easy recipe that can be taken on the go.
For this particular take on a leftover roll, I had some chicken, veggies and a delicious sauce that I couldn’t let go to waste. No matter what you have left in your fridge, from practicing mindful eating, you too can make something creative. As you know, mindful eating entails stopping when you think you’ve had enough instead of stuffing your face with the remainder of a meal. Sometimes you may think that it’s not worth saving since it can’t fill a plate. Well think again my friend. Here’s the perfect recipe that proves that train of thought wrong.

Whatever you have in the fridge…
collard green or other large green leaf
shredded chicken
butternut squash
cilantro lime yogurt sauce
There are several ways to do this.. I was in a hurry when making my roll so I opted to use a raw collard leaf. In a perfect world I would’ve blanched it in some hot water and let it dry before filling. This allows you to roll with ease and provides less chance of breakage.
Place your collard leaf horizontally and load it with chopped/sliced leftovers.
Once filled to your liking, simply roll it up. You should have a taut roll that you can slice into bitesized pieces. If you have sauce then drizzle some on top or place in a small bowl for dipping. I had a cilantro lime yogurt sauce that went well with mine. The trick is to be creative with your roll. Enjoy.